深厚無明闇昧,願能迅即消衍。大寶法王噶瑪巴讚誦 Saraswati妙音天女而著。
妙音佛母 梵名"薩羅薩伐底", 發音優美善歌詠,稱美音天、妙音天; 妙音佛母像有一面兩臂,膚白。頭上青絲一半 挽起頂髻,插飾白花,一半下垂,微風吹動猶如千條楊柳。 耳飾蓮瓣金環,耳側下垂冕旒飄帶,微微顫動。 身著綾緞衣裙,腰繫白連絲帶,項鏈、手鐲、足鐲裝飾美利而莊嚴。 藏傳佛教把其中的文殊菩薩和妙音佛母列為智慧主佛。
據傳大自在觀音為解除世間的五濁橫流, 用外道神像方法調伏外道眾生時,觀音的獠牙中 生出外道神態的妙音佛母,後來這位女神就成為內、 外道共敬。 左手操琵琶,輕輕安放在右胯尖上,右手彈琵琶,悅耳動聽, 頭頂有月亮光環,心輪有一株八瓣白蓮, 白蓮內浮現出一個光芒四射的白色種子字,照亮宇宙。 佛經中講:妙音佛母是智慧的化身, 修持妙音佛母可以開發智慧,增福慧根。
Open our hearts that we may hear your call
Listen, list
en, listen...River Goddess, roots
of our bones
Heal our souls and take us home
Listen, listen, listen...Om Ayeim Sarasvatyei Ayeim Namah
Oh she takes me home where I belong
She takes me home in the river of her song
Oh she takes me home where I belong
She takes me home in the rhythm of her song
Sarasvati means "flowing waters."She is the Goddess of arts & music, learning & knowledge.
We sing to her to invoke the energy that she embodies, allowing us to be vessels of wisdom and grace. Tradition Sanskrit, except English lyrics © Ariana Saraha
One who has learned the classical art of music, who engages in its culture, and who has become expert and completely aloof from material attachment is called Sarasvati. Sarasvati is the goddess of music and learning, and in one hand she holds a musical instrument called a vina. A sannyasi who is always engaged in music for spiritual elevation is called Sarasvati. One who has become completely educated and is freed from all kinds of ignorance and who is never unhappy, even in a distressed condition, is called Bharati. One who has become very expert in absolute knowledge, who is situated in the Absolute Truth, and who always discusses the Absolute Truth is called Puri.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Saraswatiis a Goddess that was worshipped in the Vedic religion. She is the goddess of knowledge and all literary arts including music, arts, and speech. She is also worshipped as the Goddess of thoughts of truth and forgivings. She is mentioned in the Rig Veda as well as in Puranic texts. It was likely that She originated as a river Goddess because Her name in Sanskrit means "she who has lakes or pools".
In the Hindu philosophy of Vedanta, She is considered as the feminine energy and knowledge aspect (shakti) of Brahman. As in ancient times, She is the Goddess of knowledge, speech, poetry and music. Vedantins believe that only through the acquisition of knowledge does one reach the final path to moksha, or liberation from reincarnation. Only by worshiping Saraswati and continuously seeking true knowledge with complete undeviating attention can one attain the enlightenment necessary for moksha. She is also referred to as Shonapunya, a Sanskrit word meaning ‘one purified of blood’.
川の流れのようにMp3美空雲雀 川流不息
The Diva DanceMp3 Inva Mulla Tchako,The Fifth Element
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