Friday, July 21, 2006

大手印/金剛總持 祈請文 噶瑪巴法王親自帶領誦持

大手印/金剛總持 祈請文

金剛總持帝洛那諾巴 瑪巴密勒法王岡波巴
普明三世遍知噶瑪巴 四大八小傳承持有者
止達察派具德竹巴等 於甚深道大印得自在
達波噶舉無比眾生怙 於諸口傳上師作祈請
持有傳承記述祈加持 教云離欲即為修行足
於諸飲食財寶無繫念 斷離此世貪網之行者
無著名聞利養祈加持 教云虔敬即為修行首
上師開啟教誡寶藏門 於諸恆常祈請之行者
加持生起無偽之虔敬 教云毋逸即是修正行
隨顯即悟體性自如如 住於任運無整之行者
修行遠離妄心祈加持 教云妄念體性即法身
所顯非真宛然而顯現 不滅幻有顯現之行者
證悟輪涅不二祈加持 世世不離清淨上師尊
受用殊勝吉祥之法教 五道十地功德悉圓滿


Anonymous said...

Hello my dear and sweet,
could you tell me how to put link of music like you do for his Holiness, I tried but I cannot, so please your help is really necessary; thanks so
love from Pema

Unknown said...

Dear Pema,I guess what I did was just copied that and posted it on my blog as normolly how we did with others, that's it. Sometimes it works well but sometimes it won't but I don't know why. So just try again & again. ok? Dear, gd luck!

Anonymous said...

Your are Nice. And so is your site! Maybe you need some more pictures. Will return in the near future.